Poly-MVA also known as thioctic acid is a potent antioxidant which helps in generating energy in the body and also builds up a strong immune system.
Poly-MVA acts as a high antioxidant supplement. Poly-MVA acid complements the antioxidants in the body giving energy, protects the liver and cleans the body of harmful substances. Poly-MVA also helps the body fight against diseases such as diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy which causes blindness, controls blood sugar levels in the body, prevent cardiomyopthay and helps in slowing the aging process by normalizing the free radicals in the body.
Molybdenum a mineral constituent, present in Poly-MVA helps in regulating the pH balance in the human body. Poly-MVA as a result helps in oxygenation of cells and tissues, increasing the metabolic activity in the human body. Amino acid such as N-Acetyl Cystiene (NAC) is present in Poly-MVA as an important constituent. Hence Poly-MVA improves the lung function, enhances the immune system, makes transportation of sterol hormones easier, prevents insulin resistance in the body and also prevents ammonia formation.
Poly-MVA derives its antioxidant properties from Palladium which is a rare metal and alpha Lipoic acid. The two elements are bonded to form a potent formulation which acts as a deterrent to many diseases such as diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy which causes blindness, helps in increasing metabolism, keeps blood sugar levels under control etc. All these factors ultimately help the body to build up resistance to many diseases that may affect us any time, taking us unwary. Further research on Poly-MVA may lead us to the conclusion that Poly-MVA helps our body in fighting terminal diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
The credit of formulating Poly-MVA goes to Dr. Merrill Garnett. Dr. Garnett has conducted research on the action of DNA within cells for the last 40 years.
Now the nest question we may ask is whether Poly-MVA is safe. The answer is Poly-MVA is absolutely safe and Non-Toxic. Laboratory tests and safety reports have proved Poly-MVA to be safe and beneficial for healthy living. Poly-MVA is soluble and starts showing results as soon as 2-4 weeks after you start the dosage.
Today in United States of America, many people of different age groups suffer from different level of work and family related stress leading to burnouts, tiredness, depression and similar symptoms. Poly-MVA can help you come out of your difficult periods by acting as a nutritional supplement and acting as a powerful antioxidant. Poly-MVA is highly soluble and gets easily absorbed in the body. You will feel the difference in your health in 2 to 4 weeks time.
Poly-MVA is priced moderately and available in 8oz, 4oz and 2.5 oz bottle. So, if you are feeling tiredness, losing interest in daily activities and similar syndromes you can order Poly-MVA and start enjoying life all over again.