The term Probiotic comes from a combination of a Latin and Greek word. It means “favorable to life”. Probiotics is a major research project now a day. Probiotics is all about the so called “friendly germs” which are identified on a regular basis by the scientific world.
The study helps us to gain in-depth knowledge about the good bacteria that live in our digestive system. It is said that our body contains a number of small ecology of microbes, which are called “gut flora”. These micro organisms are also present in the natural sources as lactobacillus in yogurt and sauerkraut apart from the alternative nutritional supplements.
Although the term “probiotics” has been very recently minted, however the use of probiotic foods has been in use from ages. It is said that probiotic helps build the immune system up. But unfortunately due to excess alcohol, stress, disease and even usage of certain drugs and antibiotics these bacteria’s are often thrown out of balance.
This imbalance lowers the body’s natural immune system. This leads to a lot of complications and diseases including digestive problems, high blood pressure, and harmful cholesterol build up in the body and even have the risk of colon cancer.
It is of utmost importance to maintain a healthy gut flora; however, in our daily hectic life we hardly get the option to do so. Hence it is necessary to include the alternative nutritional supplements in our daily intake of foods. Back then, when refrigeration was not available, probiotic containing fermented foods were used. Now we have the option of high antioxidant supplement and alternative nutritional supplement. These supplements offer a healthy probiotic advantage to the immune system. As a matter of fact the probiotic supplements are also used in the making of face creams and similar cosmetic products.
The use of probiotics has great benefits in the irritable bowel syndrome. It has been studied that the use of probiotics has considerably reduced the pain and inflammation in the bowel. The probiotic advantage is that it starts the healing process, even if there is no change in the food and lifestyle habits.
The probiotic advantage is also present for the infants who suffer from dermatitis, especially in the age group of 6-18 months. Study shows that only after 8 weeks of using probiotics the dermatitis are under control.
Last but not the least; probiotic has great advantage on the adults, who have been exposed to antibiotics on a regular basis. The colons of these adults are greatly affected and can even lead to colon cancer. Simply providing the proper alternative nutritional supplements, containing probiotic, leads to a healthy colon.
Probiotics have also been reported to alleviate the digestion and helps in the absorption of protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus.
As with any change in nutrition, there will be a difference in bowel habits; but which is only for a few days. A good digestive health depends on making sure the good bacteria are healthy and well fed. So keep in mind “Bacteria are important to good Health” and get it through the probiotic advantage of Poly-MVA.